Use this function to fit spatial data using non-guassian copulas.

tgmrf(data, formula, neigh, scale = T, spatial_var, neigh_order = NULL,
  group_var = NULL, change_vars = NULL, beta = NULL, nu = 1,
  eps = NULL, mu = NULL, rho_s = 0, rho_t = 0, rho_st = 0,
  tau = NULL, family = "poisson", type = "gamma-shape",
  mat_type = "car", method = "metropolis", nsim = 1000, burnin = 0,
  thin = 1, E = NULL, n = 1, prior_param = NULL,
  MCMC_config = NULL, fix_rho = NULL, range = list(rho_s = c(-1, 1),
  rho_t = c(-1, 1), rho_st = c(-1, 1)), verbose = FALSE, c_beta = NULL,
  c_eps = NULL, c_mu = NULL, c_nu = NULL, c_rho = NULL,
  conj_beta = TRUE)



A data.frame with all variables used to fit a model


Formula to fit the model


Neighborhood structure of nb class or a neighborhood matrix


Logical parameter to scale covariates


Variable name that indicates the column which represents the spatial variable


Order that the spatial_var appear on data


Variable name that indicates the column which represents the variable variable


Variables that change in the time. We'll return n_var parameters for this variable. One for each n_var.


Vector of the initial values to coeficients vector


A Initial value to variance of copula


Spatial dependence parameter


Temporal dependence parameter


Spatio-temporal dependence parameter


'Poisson' or 'Binary'


Depends of family. 'lognormal', 'lognormal-precision', 'gamma-shape', 'gamma-scale', 'weibull-shape', 'weibull-scale' for Poisson family 'beta-logit', 'beta-probit', 'beta-alpha', 'beta-beta' for Binomial family


car or leroux


metropolis or arms


Number of MCMC iterations


number of discards iterations


Lag to collect the observations


Offsets for Poisson data


Number of trials in Binomial data


List of priors parameters. Gaussian for beta vector and Gamma for nu. Entrys are: 'nu' (list with shape and scale) and 'beta' (list with mean and precision)


Parameters to tunning MCMC. Entrys are: 'arms' (list with ninit and maxpoint) and 'metropolis' (list with var_beta, var_eps, var_rho and var_log_nu)


A list informing if any rho (rho_s, rho_t, rho_st) is fixed


A list informing a range for sampling rho (rho_s, rho_t, rho_st). Each entre must be a vector in the interval (-1, 1).


beta A matrix with samples of beta

nu A vector with samples of nu

rho A vector with samples of rho


##-- Pacotes ---- library(TGMRF) library(tmvtnorm)
#> Loading required package: mvtnorm
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Loading required package: stats4
#> Loading required package: gmm
#> Loading required package: sandwich
library(truncnorm) library(OpenMPController) #'#'-- Configurações ---- rowid <- 8 colid <- 5 n_vars <- 2 N <- rowid*colid*n_vars betas <- 0.5 intercept <- -.5 nu <- 0.3 P <- length(betas) X <- scale(matrix(c(rnorm(n = rowid*colid*n_vars, mean = 0)), ncol = P)) type_data <- 'lognormal' family <- 'poisson' seed <- 123456 rho_s <- 0.95*2.25 rho_t <- 0.00001 rho_st <- 0.00001 #'#'-- Dados ---- data_poisson <- rtgmrf(rowid = rowid, colid = colid, X = X, n_var = n_vars, rho_s = rho_s, rho_t = rho_t, rho_st = rho_st, betas = betas, nu = nu, intercept = intercept, type_data = type_data, family = family, seed = seed) hist(data_poisson$y, breaks = 20)
bd <- data.frame(y = data_poisson$y, regiao = data_poisson$reg, grupo = data_poisson$var, X1 = data_poisson$X, eps = data_poisson$eps, check.names = F) neigh <- data_poisson$neigh #'#'-- Configurações ---- nsim <- 20000 burnin <- 0 thin <- 1 formula <- paste0('y ~ X1') #'#'-- Metropolis rcpp ---- vars_beta <- diag(c(0.03, 0.02), nrow = P+1, ncol = P+1) vars_eps <- diag(0.0001, nrow = N, ncol = N) var_log_nu <- 0.85 var_rho <- diag(c(0.1, 0.3, 0.05), ncol = 3, nrow = 3) omp_set_num_threads(n = 1)
#> [[1]] #> [1] 1 #>
type_model <- type_data c_beta <- 1#'(2.38^2)/P c_eps <- 1#'(2.38^2)/N c_nu <- 1#'(2.38^2) c_rho <- 1#'(2.38^2)/3 system.time( out_metcpp <- tgmrf(data = bd, formula = formula, spatial_var = "regiao", group_var = "grupo", beta = c(intercept, betas), eps = data_poisson$eps, nu = nu, rho_s = 0.95, rho_t = 0, rho_st = 0, family = family, type = type_model, mat_type = "car", method = "metropolis", nsim = nsim, burnin = burnin, thin = thin, prior_param = list("nu" = list("shape" = 0.2, "rate" = 0.2)), E = NULL, neigh = neigh, fix_rho = list("rho_s" = FALSE, "rho_t" = FALSE, "rho_st" = FALSE), MCMC_config = list('metropolis' = list('var_beta' = vars_beta, 'var_eps' = vars_eps, 'var_log_nu' = var_log_nu, 'var_rho' = var_rho)), range = list("rho_s" = c(-1, 1), "rho_t" = c(-1, 1), "rho_st" = c(-1, 1)), scale = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, c_beta = c_beta, c_eps = c_eps, c_nu = c_nu, c_rho = c_rho) )
#> Error in poimcar_cpp(nsim = nsim, burnin = burnin, thin = thin, eps = eps, mu = mu, beta = beta, nu = nu, rho_s = rho_s, rho_t = rho_t, rho_st = rho_st, X = X, y = y, E = E, Ws = Ws, Wt = Wt, N = N, P = P, mean_beta = mean_beta, tau_beta = tau_beta, eta_nu = eta_nu, psi_nu = psi_nu, fix_rho_s = fix_rho_s, fix_rho_t = fix_rho_t, fix_rho_st = fix_rho_st, range_rho_s = range_rho_s, range_rho_t = range_rho_t, range_rho_st = range_rho_st, type = type_num, var_beta_met = var_beta, var_eps_met = var_eps, var_log_mu_met = var_log_mu, var_log_nu_met = var_log_nu, var_rho_met = var_rho, verbose = verbose, c_beta = c_beta, c_eps = c_eps, c_mu = c_mu, c_nu = c_nu, c_rho = c_rho, conj_beta = conj_beta): Mat::operator(): index out of bounds
#> Timing stopped at: 0.007 0 0.007
#> Error in summary(out_metcpp): object 'out_metcpp' not found