Fit a Restricted Shared Component model for two diseases

rscm(data, formula1, formula2, family = c("poisson", "poisson"),
            E1 = NULL, E2 = NULL, area = NULL, neigh = NULL,
            proj = "none", nsamp = 1000,
            priors = list(prior_gamma = c(0, 0.35),
                          prior_prec = list(tau_s = c(0.01, 0.01),
                                            tau_1 = c(0.01, 0.01),
                                            tau_2 = c(0.01, 0.01))),
            random_effects = list(shared = TRUE,
                                  specific_1 = TRUE,
                                  specific_2 = TRUE),



a data frame or list containing the variables in the model.


an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted for disease 1.


an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted for disease 2.


a vector of size two with two families. Some allowed families are: poisson, nbinomial, zeroinflatedpoisson0, zeroinflatednbinomial0. See INLA::inla.list.models() for more information.


known component, for disease 1, in the mean for the Poisson likelihoods defined as E = exp(\(\eta\)), where \(\eta\) is the linear predictor. Default = 1.


known component, for disease 2, in the mean for the Poisson likelihoods defined as E = exp(\(\eta\)), where \(\eta\) is the linear predictor. Default = 1.


areal variable name in data.


neighborhood structure. A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or sf object.


"none" or "spock".


number of samples. Default = 1000.


a list containing:

  • prior_gamma: a vector of size two containing mean and precision for the normal distribution applied for \(\gamma\)

  • prior_prec: a list with:

    • tau_s: a vector of size two containing shape and scale for the gamma distribution applied for \(\tau_s\)

    • tau_1: a vector of size two containing shape and scale for the gamma distribution applied for \(\tau_1\)

    • tau_2: a vector of size two containing shape and scale for the gamma distribution applied for \(\tau_2\)


a list determining which effects should we include in the model. Default: list(shared = TRUE, specific_1 = TRUE, specific_2 = TRUE).


other parameters used in ?INLA::inla



a sample of size nsamp for all parameters in the model


summary measures for the coefficients


summary measures for hyperparameters


summary measures for random quantities


INLA output


time elapsed for fitting the model


The fitted model is given by $$Y_1 ~ Poisson(E_1\theta_1),$$ $$Y_2 ~ Poisson(E_2\theta_2),$$

$$log(\theta_1) = X\beta + \gamma\psi + \phi_1,$$ $$log(\theta_2) = X\beta + \psi + \phi_2,$$

$$\psi ~ ICAR(\tau_s); \phi_1 ~ ICAR(\tau_1); \phi_2 ~ ICAR(\tau_2).$$

$$\delta = \sqrt\gamma$$


#> Loading required package: sp
#> Loading required package: spData
#> To access larger datasets in this package, install the spDataLarge #> package with: `install.packages('spDataLarge', #> repos='', type='source')`
#> Loading required package: sf
#> Linking to GEOS 3.6.2, GDAL 2.2.3, PROJ 4.9.3
set.seed(123456) ##-- Spatial structure data("neigh_RJ") ##-- Parameters alpha_1 <- 0.5 alpha_2 <- 0.1 beta_1 <- c(-0.5, -0.2) beta_2 <- c(-0.8, -0.4) tau_s <- 1 tau_1 <- tau_2 <- 10 delta <- 1.5 ##-- Data data <- rshared(alpha_1 = alpha_1, alpha_2 = alpha_2, beta_1 = beta_1, beta_2 = beta_2, delta = delta, tau_1 = tau_1, tau_2 = tau_2, tau_s = tau_s, confounding = "linear", neigh = neigh_RJ) ##-- Models scm_inla <- rscm(data = data, formula1 = Y1 ~ X11 + X12, formula2 = Y2 ~ X21 + X12, family = c("nbinomial", "poisson"), E1 = E1, E2 = E2, area = "reg", neigh = neigh_RJ, priors = list(prior_prec = list(tau_s = c(0.5, 0.05)), prior_gamma = c(0, 0.5)), proj = "none", nsamp = 1000, random_effects = list(shared = TRUE, specific_1 = TRUE, specific_2 = TRUE)) rscm_inla <- rscm(data = data, formula1 = Y1 ~ X11 + X12, formula2 = Y2 ~ X21 + X12, family = c("nbinomial", "poisson"), E1 = E1, E2 = E2, area = "reg", neigh = neigh_RJ, priors = list(prior_prec = list(tau_s = c(0.5, 0.05)), prior_gamma = c(0, 0.5)), proj = "spock", nsamp = 1000, random_effects = list(shared = TRUE, specific_1 = TRUE, specific_2 = TRUE)) ##-- Summary scm_inla$summary_fixed
#> mean median mode sd lower upper #> alpha1 0.454628 0.453513 0.453410 0.066026 0.324790 0.583147 #> alpha2 0.099061 0.097661 0.096875 0.052867 -0.002203 0.202202 #> X11_1 -0.529634 -0.527243 -0.524312 0.094617 -0.725151 -0.360070 #> X12_1 -0.096918 -0.099301 -0.090591 0.712265 -1.437652 1.300094 #> X21_2 -0.821991 -0.821873 -0.825052 0.053160 -0.924361 -0.721452 #> X12_2 -0.315113 -0.308277 -0.308639 0.355988 -0.940467 0.398512
#> mean median mode sd lower upper #> alpha1 0.486263 0.488156 0.487102 0.068773 0.353212 0.625193 #> alpha2 0.101960 0.102878 0.102827 0.052721 0.010352 0.210354 #> X11_1 -0.450881 -0.448670 -0.446537 0.092258 -0.653287 -0.288857 #> X12_1 -0.200463 -0.204132 -0.211575 0.166593 -0.516788 0.136881 #> X21_2 -0.819529 -0.820090 -0.821525 0.048604 -0.908102 -0.723579 #> X12_2 -0.294968 -0.295732 -0.295278 0.087644 -0.473432 -0.129857
#> mean median #> size for the nbinomial observations (1/overdispersion) 102.159337 73.338553 #> Precision for psi 1.624693 1.593234 #> Precision for phi1 20.131572 14.180947 #> Precision for phi2 16.421046 15.845955 #> Beta for psi_gamma 2.192927 2.182752 #> Delta 1.479839 1.475757 #> Precision for psi SC 0.739540 0.729550 #> mode sd #> size for the nbinomial observations (1/overdispersion) 52.844186 96.965589 #> Precision for psi 1.567703 0.262432 #> Precision for phi1 10.922866 19.075469 #> Precision for phi2 15.171983 5.720999 #> Beta for psi_gamma 2.174132 0.109452 #> Delta 1.469693 0.035434 #> Precision for psi SC 0.718342 0.104168 #> lower upper #> size for the nbinomial observations (1/overdispersion) 4.585551 285.715222 #> Precision for psi 1.155745 2.159096 #> Precision for phi1 2.143624 55.320532 #> Precision for phi2 6.204610 27.587251 #> Beta for psi_gamma 1.991282 2.414290 #> Delta 1.418131 1.550095 #> Precision for psi SC 0.552672 0.952562
#> mean median #> size for the nbinomial observations (1/overdispersion) 233.451915 76.311841 #> Precision for psi 0.632703 0.622718 #> Precision for phi1 26.830775 18.309253 #> Precision for phi2 23.987323 19.677618 #> Beta for psi_gamma 2.184501 2.179755 #> Delta 1.477570 1.476902 #> Precision for psi SC 0.289227 0.283742 #> mode sd #> size for the nbinomial observations (1/overdispersion) 33.075785 585.792918 #> Precision for psi 0.613547 0.122101 #> Precision for phi1 11.596291 27.735642 #> Precision for phi2 15.702163 17.051720 #> Beta for psi_gamma 2.176957 0.124036 #> Delta 1.474474 0.042099 #> Precision for psi SC 0.282195 0.051091 #> lower upper #> size for the nbinomial observations (1/overdispersion) 5.276925 898.357883 #> Precision for psi 0.405141 0.875612 #> Precision for phi1 0.435416 79.900368 #> Precision for phi2 2.346459 57.307706 #> Beta for psi_gamma 1.945202 2.430674 #> Delta 1.397345 1.556711 #> Precision for psi SC 0.195223 0.388073